html - stop downloading images and code from website -

possible duplicate:
how prevent downloading images , video files website

i developing own website.
in website need add feature prevents downloading images , code.

is possible prevent downloading of images , code form website ?

please reply. thanking , kindly regards

the way prevent people downloading things website not put them on site in first place. here's how website works:

computer: hey, server, can send me page "cupcakerecipes.html"? server: why, sure can. here's page.

computer: see page includes image "deliciouscupcake.jpg" — can send me image can show user delicious cupcake? server: oh, yeah, here ya go, buddy.

computer: hey, sorry bug again, see page wants me run script "animatesprinkles.js" — can send can run it? server: of course!

see, @ each step of way, user's computer downloading resources needs. if not allow user's computer download images , scripts, can't see them or run them.


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