mvc 2 - C# MVC2 Jqgrid - what is the correct way to do server side paging? -
i have jqgrid database table has few thousand rows, jqrid shows 15 @ time.
it should displaying (it doesnt take long query 15 rows). instead takes 10 - 20 seconds, indicates retrieving entire table each time.
the grid defined this:
$("#products").jqgrid({ url: url, mtype: "get", datatype: "json", jsonreader: { root: "rows", page: "page", total: "total", records: "records", repeatitems: false, userdata: "userdata",id: "id"}, colnames: ["product id","product code", ... etc ], colmodel: [{ name: "id", ... etc}], viewrecords: true, height: 400, width: 800, pager: $("#jqgpager"), rownum: 15, rowlist: [50, 100, 200], autowidth: true, multiselect: false
and server side (mvc2 action) this:
var model = (from p in products select new {, p.productcode, p.productdescription, allocatedqty = p.warehouseproducts.sum(wp => wp.allocatedquantity), qtyonhand = p.warehouseproducts.sum(wp => wp.onhandquantity) }).asqueryable(); jsonresult json = json(model.togriddata( page, rows, orderby, "", new[] { "id", "productcode", "productdescription", "allocatedqty", "qtyonhand" }), jsonrequestbehavior.allowget);
and model.togriddata extension method this:
var data =_service.getall(); var page = data.skip((index) * pagesize).take(pagesize); list.add(page.asenumerable);
and i'm bit lost problem lies:
- have set jqgrid paging options incorrectly?
- have written bad linq pulls rows regardless? eg sum() cause rows read?
- have done .skip().take() incorrectly?
- have missed else entirely?
when comparing code example posted oleg can see things in order:
- getall
- select model fields
- page
wheras olegs sample seems in order:
- getall
- page
- select model fields
so i've changed simpler implementation:
public actionresult getproductlist(int page, int rows, string sidx, string sord, string searchoper, string searchfield, string searchstring) { list<product> products = _productservice.getallproducts(); int totalrecords = products.count(); var pageddata = products.skip((page > 0 ? page - 1 : 0) * rows).take(rows); var model = (from p in pageddata select new {, p.productcode, p.productdescription, barcode = string.empty, unitofmeasure = string.empty, p.packsize, allocatedqty = string.empty, qtyonhand = string.empty }).tolist(); var jsondata = new { total = page, records = totalrecords, page = (totalrecords + rows - 1) / rows, rows = model }; return json(jsondata, jsonrequestbehavior.allowget); }
however has new problem:
a circular reference detected while serializing object of type '
the difference can see oleg's sample getall returns iqueryable
mine list
you should post more full code. model.togriddata
not defined in current code example. how caclulate index
imput patrameters , on unclear. having model.togriddata()
1 can whether output program produce correspond jsonreader
i recommend this old answer, both paging , sorting used. in one more answer find more references code examples.
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