Compare jQuery UI vs jQuery Tools -

i'm new web programming (i desktop development professionally). want learn more web programming, using jquery library. see references jquery ui , jquery tools; find there controversy surrounding these.

what relationship between jquery , jquery ui/jquery tools. 1 preferred on others? there references (besides respective home pages) using these libraries?


there no relationship between 2 libraries except fact both built on top of jquery.

in experience, both libraries work set of feature provide. need have @ feature set on home page , decide on need, make choice.

you can use both of them @ same time if need to, answer comment on answer, using drag & drop jqueryui , tooltip jquery tools option. if can use 1 library it's best though. code clearer (as every library coded different style) , users have less javascript files download when visit website.

as documentation, expect find more documentation on jqueryui, used many people on place (i don't have numbers or anything, guess jqueryui used lot more jquery tools). documentation on jqueryui website amazing , provides examples every component.


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