git - No submodule mapping found in .gitmodule for a path that's not a submodule -

i have project has submodule @ lib/three20

my .gitmodule file looks this:

[submodule "lib/three20"]     path = lib/three20     url = git:// 

i have cloned in past without errors, (git submodule init followed git submodule update) , it's been working while.

i tried clone new machine, , i'm getting error on git submodule init:

no submodule mapping found in .gitmodules path 'classes/support/three20' 

that path empty folder in xcode use house projects other directory. it's not part of .gitmodules file, don't see it's getting path from.

any ideas?

update november 2013:

following rajibchowdhury's answer (upvoted), git rm advised removing special entry in index indicating submodule (a 'folder' special mode '160000').

if special entry path isn't referenced in .gitmodule (like 'classes/support/three20' in original question), need remove it, in order avoid "no submodule mapping found in .gitmodules path" error message.

you can check entries in index reference submodule:

git ls-files --stage | grep 160000 

original answer (november 2010)

did declare initial submodule correctly? (i.e. without tail '/' @ end, described in my old answer, though .gitmodule has paths looks ok in it).

this thread mentions:

do same error when running 'git submodule init' fresh clone?
if so, have wrong.

if have no submodules, delete .gitmodules, , references submodules in .git/config, , ensure pikimal dir not have .git dir in it.
if fixes problem, check in , same on cruise working copy.

obviously, don't delete main .gitmodules file, after other .gitmodules files in working tree.

still in topic of "incorrect submodule initialization", jefromi mentions submodules gitlinks.
see "git - how track untracked content?" see how convert such directory real submodule.


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