.net - Need help and guidance with reports for VS2010 -

general question.i want create simple report data of client , table measurements , few photos....
have no experience reporting in .net little jasper confusing @ me,i wondering better use available options c# , .net 2010
see crystal report (the time classic) , report using microsoft reporting technology... need deploy application.. easier?
need little guidance ,what read ,some links articles ,tutorials ,because googling returned out-of-date results , misleading! hope not loose day simple report..

crystal vs. ssrs topic crops , again on - here's relatively sober appraisal: new project: ssrs vs. crystal reports?

and here's more acerbic one: compare sql server reporting services crystal reports

both tools full-featured, powerful reporting tools. both have built-in tutorials , wizards development; both take significant investment of time master.

crystal more alike jasper, in think both banded reporting tools.

for stack of microsoft technologies, ssrs obvious choice. it's recommend, based on have said far.


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