postgresql - Postgres Full Text Search performance question -

postgres full text search performance seems depend on dictionary use, here's example

my table contains 60000 entries

default german dictionary (only stopwords, think)

select title sitesearch s, to_tsquery('german','holz') query query @@ searchtext limit 10 

query plan

limit  (cost=247.14..282.99 rows=10 width=21) (actual time=1.286..1.534 rows=10 loops=1)   ->  nested loop  (cost=247.14..1358.57 rows=310 width=21) (actual time=1.278..1.512 rows=10 loops=1)         ->  function scan on query  (cost=0.00..0.01 rows=1 width=32) (actual time=0.019..0.019 rows=1 loops=1)         ->  bitmap heap scan on sitesearch s  (cost=247.14..1354.68 rows=310 width=570) (actual time=1.237..1.452 rows=10 loops=1)               recheck cond: (query.query @@ s.searchtext)               ->  bitmap index scan on sitesearch_searchtext_idx  (cost=0.00..247.06 rows=310 width=0) (actual time=0.871..0.871 rows=1144 loops=1)                     index cond: (query.query @@ s.searchtext) total runtime: 1.815 ms 8 row(s)  total runtime: 13.414 ms 

that's pretty fast

my dictionary german ispell

create text search dictionary pg_german (     template = ispell,     dictfile = german,     afffile = german,     stopwords = german ); 

support compound words enabled
dictfile: 319018 words
affix file: 1290 lines
stopwords: 264 words

select title sitesearch s, to_tsquery('public.pg_german','holz') query query @@ searchtext limit 10 

query plan

limit  (cost=247.14..282.99 rows=10 width=21) (actual time=1.263..1.578 rows=10 loops=1)   ->  nested loop  (cost=247.14..1358.57 rows=310 width=21) (actual time=1.255..1.556 rows=10 loops=1)         ->  function scan on query  (cost=0.00..0.01 rows=1 width=32) (actual time=0.009..0.009 rows=1 loops=1)         ->  bitmap heap scan on sitesearch s  (cost=247.14..1354.68 rows=310 width=570) (actual time=1.229..1.495 rows=10 loops=1)               recheck cond: (query.query @@ s.searchtext)               ->  bitmap index scan on sitesearch_searchtext_idx  (cost=0.00..247.06 rows=310 width=0) (actual time=0.896..0.896 rows=1144 loops=1)                     index cond: (query.query @@ s.searchtext) total runtime: 1.818 ms 8 row(s)  total runtime: 1,520.428 ms 

query plan fast ... 1,5s total runtime? take long load / initialize dictionary? how speed process?


yes, ispell dictionaries very slow load first time. if you're using those, need use connection pooling - take time first time loaded each connection.

there's work being done on 9.1, current versions you're stuck requirement.


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