api - Android: What is the purpose of android:pathPattern if I can't filter http scheme? -
i want capture intents specific uri pattern uses http scheme. not want chooser dialog pop up.
the android api advertises filtering of intents based on pattern matching of path part of uri:
however, when try specify pattern path other ".*" (which pops chooser, i'm trying avoid), doesn't work, , browser automatically handles intent.
so, question is, purpose of pathpattern/pathprefix if, http scheme, either auto resolves browser, or pops chooser anyways?
i want capture intents specific uri pattern uses http scheme. not want chooser dialog pop up.
and, as told you, not possible, security hole.
however, when try specify pattern path other ".*" (which pops chooser, i'm trying avoid), doesn't work, , browser automatically handles intent.
here example of pattern, more simple wildcard, presumably works.
so, question is, purpose of pathpattern/pathprefix if, http scheme, either auto resolves browser, or pops chooser anyways?
so can option in chooser right subset of stuff. in case of calendar application linked above, silly calendar appear in chooser arbitrary urls -- knows how handle google calendar urls. hence, put in filter, appear in relevant contexts.
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