c# - NHibernate + Fluent NHibernate exception -
there searches can stored in db. each search has collection of filters. there roles. each role may have (nullable column) default search assigned it. also, each search visible 0 or many roles (many-to-many relationship).
when try access search filters, nh tries access filters.defaultsearchid, doesn't exist in filters table.
create table [dbo].[searches] ( id int identity(1,1) primary key, description nvarchar(2000) not null ); create table [dbo].[filters] ( id int identity(1,1) primary key, description nvarchar(2000) not null, searchid int not null references searches(id) ); create table [dbo].[roles] ( id int identity(1,1) primary key, name nvarchar(255) not null, defaultsearchid int null references searches(id) ); create table [dbo].[searchesroles] ( searchid int not null references searches(id), roleid int not null references roles(id) );
public class search { public virtual int id { get; set; } public virtual string description { get; set; } public virtual icollection<filter> filters { get; set; } public virtual icollection<role> roles { get; set; } } public class filter { public virtual int id { get; set; } public virtual string description { get; set; } public virtual search search { get; set; } } public class role { public virtual int id { get; set; } public virtual string name { get; set; } public virtual search defaultsearch { get; set; } }
public class searchmap : classmap<search>{ public searchmap() { table("searches"); id(x => x.id).generatedby.identity(); map(x => x.description); hasmany(x => x.filters).inverse().cascade.all().asbag(); hasmanytomany(x => x.roles).table("searchesroles").parentkeycolumn("searchid").childkeycolumn("roleid"); } } public class filtermap : classmap<filter> { public filtermap() { table("filters"); id(x => x.id).generatedby.identity(); map(x => x.description); references(x => x.search).column("searchid"); } } public class rolemap : classmap<role> { public rolemap() { table("roles"); id(x => x.id).generatedby.identity(); map(x => x.name); references(x => x.defaultsearch).column("defaultsearchid"); } }
class program { static void main() { var sessionfactory = createsessionfactory(); using (var session = sessionfactory.opensession()) { var search = session.get<search>(1); foreach (var filter in search.filters) { console.writeline(filter); } } } static isessionfactory createsessionfactory(){ string connectionstring = @"server=.\sql2008; user id = sa; pwd=1; database = nhbug;"; return fluently.configure() .database(mssqlconfiguration.mssql2008.connectionstring(connectionstring)) .mappings(m=>m.fluentmappings.addfromassembly(assembly.getexecutingassembly())).buildsessionfactory(); } }
when accessing search.filters property, nhibernate tries access filters.defaultsearchid db column not supposed there. column exists in roles table not in filters.
is invalid configuration, fluent nhibernate or nhibernate bug?
i'm using sql server 2008 r2, nhibernate 2.1.2 , fluent nhibernate, although issue exists in nhibernate 3 beta 2 well.
thank you.
update: here actual sql generated
update2: cdmdotnet, same error, same sql, unfortunately.
update3: actual exception
update4: particular use case of general bug: entity references other entities 'many-to-many' , on other side of 'many-to-many' assoc. other entity references source entity (defaultquery in case). nh goes nuts when accessing any child collection (one-to-many) of source entity (filters in case).
update5: sample data
update6: xml issued fluent nhibernate
update hasmany mapping on searchmap include keycolumn():
hasmany(x => x.filters).keycolumn("searchid").inverse().cascade.all().asbag();
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