oracle - is it possible to regexp_replace using a function? -

i calculations on value in string , replace them. oracles regexp seemes \1 gets evaluated @ end of calcualtions. wondering if fore evaluation before passing function?

set serveroutput on  declare   l_foo varchar2(4000);    function f_test(i_t varchar2) return varchar2     begin     dbms_output.put_line('given parameter: ' || i_t);     return upper(i_t);   end; begin   l_foo := regexp_replace(     '${asset_type}/${isin}?eventtarget=${target}andeventvalue=${target_value}'    ,'\$\{([[:alpha:]_]+)\}'    ,f_test('\1')   );    dbms_output.put_line(l_foo); end; 

gives result like:

given parameter: \1 pl/sql procedure completed. 

it looks passing backreference function within reg ex function not going work (at least in test , lack of finding out there works (although there link hard call reference)

but can this, it'll slow-by-slow processing ought work. based sample link

set serveroutput on

declare   l_foo varchar2(4000);    searchstring varchar2(4000) ;   searchpattern varchar2(4000) ;    /*type matchitem object(        position number ,          matchedpattern varchar2(4000));*/   type matched table of varchar2(100);     l_foo2 matched;    function f_test(i_t varchar2) return varchar2     begin     dbms_output.put_line('given parameter: ' || i_t);     return upper(i_t);   end f_test;  function getnmatch(       str    in varchar2,       pat    in varchar2,       occr   in number ,       flags in varchar2 := null ) return varchar2     pos_match_begin  number;     pos_match_end    number;      str_used         varchar2(4000); begin           pos_match_begin := regexp_instr (             str,   --              pat,              1,     -- start position             occr,     -- occurance             0,     -- return option             flags          );           pos_match_end   := regexp_instr (             str,   --              pat,              1,     -- start position             occr,     -- occurance             1,     -- return option             flags          );          if (pos_match_begin >= 0 , pos_match_end > 0)              str_used := substr(str, pos_match_begin, pos_match_end - pos_match_begin);          else            str_used := null;          end if;          return str_used ;   end getnmatch;   function match (      str    in varchar2,       pat    in varchar2,       flags in varchar2 := null) return matched       ret matched;      number ;      regcount number ;        begin         regcount :=  regexp_count(str, pat) ;       ret := matched();         in 1 .. regcount loop              ret.extend() ;               ret(i) := getnmatch(str, pat , i, flags);         end loop;           return ret;      end match;   function rematch (      str    in varchar2,       pat    in varchar2,       flags in varchar2 := null) return varchar2             ret matched;       str_out varchar2(4000);       begin       str_out := str;         ret := match(str,pat,flags);           in reverse 1..ret.count loop              str_out  := regexp_replace(str_out, pat, f_test(ret(i)),1, i);          end loop;          return str_out ;--ret;             end rematch;  begin    searchstring := '${asset_type}/${isin}?eventtarget=${target}andeventvalue=${target_value}';    searchpattern:= '\$\{([[:alpha:]_]+)\}';      l_foo := rematch( searchstring,      searchpattern);     --this example call custom function auto-change entire string defined     dbms_output.put_line(l_foo);     --here example 'allow' use count of table's position pseudo backreference pull out items , scrub them desired    l_foo2 :=  match(searchstring ,searchpattern);   dbms_output.put_line('\4/\3,\2: \1 || ' || f_test(l_foo2(4)) || '/' || l_foo2(3) || ',' || l_foo2(2) || ': ' || l_foo2(1)); end; 

which results in

given parameter: ${target_value} given parameter: ${target} given parameter: ${isin} given parameter: ${asset_type}${asset_type}/${isin}?eventtarget=${target}andeventvalue=${target_value} given parameter: ${target_value} \4/\3,\2: \1 || ${target_value}/${target},${isin}: ${asset_type} 

this done in 11gr1. can see looping through , placing results varchar2 table , doing replacement line-by-line there function results. (please note there more efficient ways of doing this, not striving efficiency rather work)


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